The connection between the computer and a peripheral such as a printer. Generally,
printers have two interfaces, parallel and serial. A parallel interface transmits data
one byte, or eight bits, at a time. A ser ial interface transmits data one bit at a time.
A typestyle in which the characters slant. This sentence is italicized.
line feed
A control code that advances the paper one line space.
loading position
The position to which the paper is automatically loaded.
Inches per second. This scale is used to measure the print head speed.
Materials upon which data is printed, such as envelopes, plain paper, special paper,
and transparency film.
Printing in which images are printed in finer increments to reduce the possibility of
banding and to produce laser-like images. See also banding.
This means printing with only one colo r of ink, which is generally black ink.
parallel interface
See interface.
power-on functions
These are special functions, like a self test, that you can do by holding down a
control panel button while turning on the printer.
printable area
The area of a page on which the printer can print. It is smaller than the physical size
of the page due to margins.
printer driver
A software program that sends commands for using the features of a particular
printer. Often shortened to “driver.” See also driver.
print head alignment mode
This feature allows you to align the print heads if you can’t use the print head
alignment utility. See also print head alignment.
print head alignment
A maintenance procedure you should perform when the black and color inks on
your printout are misaligned or the printout seems fuzzy.
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