To use this printer, your Apple® Macintosh® must meet the
following system requirements and you need a standard Apple
System Peripheral-8 cable (8-pin mini-ci rcular connector) or
Applicable computer models (as of July 1, 1997)
Macintosh LC II, LC III, LC475, LC520, LC575, LC630
Macintosh IIcx, IIci, IIsi, IIvi , IIvx
Macintosh Quadra Series
Macintosh Centris Series
Macintosh PowerBook Series (excluding PowerBook 100)
Macintosh PowerBook Duo Serie s
Macintosh Performa Series
Power Macintosh Series
Minimum system Recommended system
System 7.1 System 7.5 or later
5MB of available memory
10MB of available m emory
when background printing
is turned on.
8MB or more of available memory
16MB of available memory when
backgound printing is turned on.
The amount of available memory varies according to the number
and kind of applications that are open. To see how much memory
is available, choose About This Macintosh from the Apple
menu and refer to the memory size (listed in kilobytes) under
“Largest Unused Block” (1,024K=1MB).
The memory requirements above are for printing on Letter size
paper. These requirements may vary depending on the size of the
paper, the type of application you are using, and the complexity of
the document you want to print.
Easter10 Ref. Guide
A5 size Chapter 1
1-07-98 DR, pass 2
Getting to Know Your Printer 1-5