Know WHY you are using color
Color adds interest and clarity, and makes documents appea r easier to
understand. Just as you use fonts and graphics to create appeal and
capture attention, color provides an additional visual interpretation of a
document that influences the reader.
For example:
An overhead presentation of sales results by terri tory is far more interesting and
memorable if you show th e figures with colored charts and graphs.
Know HOW to select colors
Use just one hue in the hue circle to make
your document unified. Modify saturation
or brightness to add interest.
Use contrasting hues to make your work
more eye-catching.
Use of complementary colors in documents
is generally not recommended.
Determine a rule for using color througho ut the document.
See the Color Guide for the hue circle.
LEaster10 Ref.
A5 size Appendix B
1-07-98 DR, pass 2
B-8 Tips for Color Printing