Rendering Intent
Transfers the color information using the profile you have
chosen from the Profile list.
Perceptual The best option for reproducing
photographs and printouts that are
not suited for the other options.
Saturation The best op tion for repro ducing vivid
images. Use this setting for
presentation graphics, such as charts
and graphics.
Colorimetric The best option when precise
matching of colors is most important,
for example, when printing a
company logo. Colorimetric attempts
to reproduce colors the way the eye
distinguishes them.
Keep in mind that Colorimetric, or
any other color matching method,
may not always reproduce colors
perfectly, due to differences in the
way scanners, printers, and other
devices process color data. See
Appendix B, for more information.
After making your settings, click OK. Your setti ngs will be
applied and you will return to the Print dialog box. To return
to the Print dialog box without applying your settings, click
Easter10 Ref. Guide
A5 size Chapter 5
1/06/98 DR, pass 2
Using the Printer Software for Macintosh 5-15