6. If the following dialog box appears, click OK and go to the
next step.
If this dialog box does not appear, your printer is set up and
ready to accept print jobs over the network; see your
printer manual for information on how to start printing.
7. Click Have Disk.
8. Insert the printer software CD or floppy disk in the
appropriate drive.
9. For the English version of the CD-ROM, type D:\WINNT40
and click OK. For the multiple-language version CD-ROM,
type D:\ followed by your preferred language: English,
Francais, German, Italian, Portugal, or Spanish. Then
type \WINNT40, and click OK. (If you inserted the CD in a
drive other than drive "D", substitute the appropriate letter.)
If you use the flop py disk version of the printer soft ware,
type A:\WINNT40 and click OK. (If you inserted the FD in a
drive other than "A", substitute the appropriate letter.)
Click here
LEaster10 Ref. Guide
A5 size Chapter 2
1-07-98 DR, pass 3
2-24 Getting Started