2.Click and drag an icon from the devices screen to an input or output box on the matrix window. Repeat for additional devices as desired.
3.In the Caption box, enter a caption for the device, if desired (for example, Camera 2). This caption appears in the descriptive window that pops up when you pass the cursor over an input or output box containing an icon (see the example below).
Figure 77. Pop-up Window for Input 4 Containing a Caption
4.When finished assigning icons, click OK to close the device window.
•To change an icon in an input or output box, drag the new icon to the box. It replaces the previous one.
•To remove an icon from a box and leave the box empty, drag an empty square to the box.
Alternatively, you can display the input and output numbers in the boxes instead of icons. To do this, select Numbers in I/O Boxes from the Preferences
Managing Ties
On the matrix window, you can create, dissolve, and view
•To create a tie, click and drag from an input box to an output box.
•If Hold/Verify Changes has been selected from the Preferences menu:
A broken line appears, connecting the two boxes. If you want to undo the preliminary tie at this point, click the Cancel button. The broken line disappears. Click Take to confirm the tie. The broken line becomes solid.
•If Immediate Changes has been selected from the Preferences menu: The tie is made immediately. No Cancel button is displayed.
•To create a quick multiple tie, drag the desired input box to the word “Out” above the output column. The input is tied to all the outputs, replacing any existing ties.
•To remove a tie, drag the output box to its tied input box or to the trash can.
•If Hold/Verify Changes has been selected from the Preferences menu:
The tie line becomes broken. If you want to reinstate the tie at this point, click Cancel. The broken line becomes solid again. Click Take. The broken tie line disappears.
•If Immediate Changes has been selected from the Preferences menu: The tie is undone immediately.
DXP DVI, DXP DVI Pro, and DXP HDMI Series • Matrix Software | 77 |