Chapter 9 Operational Settings

3 Select a detection method.






Does not detect multifeeds.




Detects multifeed by the overlapping of




When this is selected, you can also specify the


two following options:


z Specify the detection range by the length from


the leading edge of the document.


Proceed to "Method of Multifeed Detection


[Multifeed]" (page 145) for more details.


z Ignore the multifeed when there is paper of the


same size attached to a designated location


on the page.


Proceed to "Ignoring Multifeed for a Set


Pattern" (page 82) for more details.



Check Length

Detects multifeed by the difference in length of the




Note that multifeeds cannot be detected


accurately when scanning a mixed batch of


different sizes.




Detects multifeed by the combination of [Check


Overlapping (Ultrasonic)] and [Check Length].

and Length

Note that multifeeds cannot be detected


accurately when scanning a mixed batch of


different sizes.




Select a length difference from 10/15/20 mm.


Any length under the specified value will not be


detected as multifeed.



zTo scan documents with different lengths, specify

[Check Overlapping (Ultrasonic)].

zWhen a photo or a piece of paper is attached on the document, the overlapping part of the document may be falsely detected as multifeed if [Check Overlapping (Ultrasonic)] is specified. In that case, specify [Check Length].

Note however that [Check Overlapping (Ultrasonic)] can be used if you restrict the detection range.

zMultifeed cannot be detected when using the Carrier Sheet.

This setting can also be configured from the scanner driver's setup dialog box. Note that priority is given to the scanner driver setting.