5.2 Troubleshooting Checklist


Check The Item Out





Sheets of paper are not

Is the Pick roller dirty?

Clean the Pick roller following the instructions

fed (stops midway).


in section "6.3 Cleaning the Inside of the



Scanner" (page 128).





Is the Pick roller worn?

Replace the Pick roller following the



instructions in "7.3 Replacing the Pick Roller"



(page 139).





Are there any foreign mate-

Remove any foreign materials from the docu-


rials on the document feed

ment feed path. Refer to "5.1 Clearing Docu-



ment Jams" (page 118).





Does the loaded document

Try the following:


satisfy the conditions

Slightly press down the first sheet of the


described in section "Scan-

document with your finger at the beginning


ning Different Document

of scanning.


Types" (page 30)?

Change the sheet feeding direction.


If not, they may not pass




smoothly through the ADF.





The file size of a

Is the black-and-white docu-

Select "B&W" from the "Color mode" drop-

scanned black-and-

ment scanned in the color

down list on the [Scanning] tab of the

white image is the


"Scan and Save Settings" window.

same as that of a color









Images on the back-

Is the "Setting for text only

Mark the "Setting for text only document"

side of the pages,

document" checkbox (which


which are printed-

is in the "Read Mode


through, are overlaid

Option" window opened by


on the scanned image

clicking the [Option] button


when scanning a

on the [Scanning] tab of the



"Scan and Save Settings"


document (print

window) cleared?








Scanned images are

When "Allow automatic

In the "Scan and Save Settings" window,

not displayed on the

blank page removal" is

select the [Scanning] tab, click the [Option]

screen (when "Allow

enabled, almost blank

button, and then clear the "Allow automatic

automatic blank page

documents with only a few

blank page removal" checkbox.

removal" is enabled).

characters may be



accidentally recognized as



blank pages and removed



from the scanned image








Scanned images are

Are the document skewed

This deskew function can correct a skew of

skewed (when "Cor-

+/-5 degrees or more while

less than +/-5 degrees. Load the document

rect skewed character

it is fed into the ADF?

onto the scanner using the side guide so that

strings automatically" is


the document skew does not exceed this limit.




Depending on the contents

Refer to "Correct skewed character strings



of the document, the

automatically." (page 47)


automatic image deskew



may not work properly.







ScanSnap S510M Operator's Guide


Page 139
Image 139
Fujitsu S510M manual 123