GFK-0467K Index Index-5
Links, horizontal and vertical, 4-7
LN, 4-37
Locking/unlocking subroutines, 2-37
LOG, 4-37
Logarithmic functions, 4-37
base 10 logarithm, 4-37
natural logarithm, 4-37
Logic program checksum calculation, 2-9
Logic solution, 2-8
Logical AND function, 4-49
Logical NOT function, 4-53
Logical OR function, 4-49
Logical XOR function, 4-51
LOS_IOM, 2-25
LOS_SIO, 2-25
Loss of I/O module, 3-17
Loss of, or missing, option module, 3-8
Low battery signal, 3-11
LOW_BAT, 2-25
LT, 4-41
Maintenance, 3-1
Masked compare function, 4-66
Master control relay function, 4-124
Math functions, 4-26
ACOS, 4-35
ADD, 4-27
ASIN, 4-35
ATAN, 4-35
COS, 4-35
DEG, 4-39
DIV, 4-27
EXP, 4-37
EXPT, 4-37
LN, 4-37
LOG, 4-37
MOD, 4-31
MUL, 4-27
RAD, 4-39
SIN, 4-35
SQRT, 4-33
SUB, 4-27
TAN, 4-35
MCR, 4-124
Memory, corrupted, 3-7
Micro Models, 2-43
Mnemonics, instruction, C-1
MOD, 4-31
Model 20 I/O modules, 2-42
Model 30 I/O modules, 2-39
Modulo function, 4-31
MOVE, 4-70
Move function, 4-70
MSKCMP, 4-66
MUL, 4-27
Multiplication function, 4-27
Natural logarithm function, 4-37
NE, 4-41
Negated coil, 4-4
Negated retentive coil, 4-5
Negative transition coil, 4-5
No user program present, 3-13
Normally closed contact, 4-4
Normally open contact, 4-4
NOT, 4-53
Not equal function, 4-41
OFDT, 4-17
Off-delay timer, 4-17
On-delay timer, 4-11, 4-14
ONDTR, 4-11
Operation of system, 2-1
Operational failures, 3-2
Option module software failure, 3-11
OR, 4-49
Output references, discrete, 2-20
Output register references, analog, 2-20
Output scan, 2-9
OV_SWP, 2-25
Overrides, 2-21
Password access failure, 3-13
Passwords, 2-36
PB_SUM, 2-25
PCM communications with the PLC, 2-12
Periodic subroutines, 2-19
PID, 4-171
PLC CPU system software failure, 3-14
PLC fault table, 3-3, 3-5, B-2
error codes, B-5
explanations, 3-7
fault action, B-5
fault extra data, B-7
fault group, B-4
fault time stamp, B-7
interpreting a fault, B-1
long/short indicator, B-3
rack, B-3