GFK-0467K Chapter 4 Series 90-30/20/Micro Instructions Set 4-123
The END function provides a temporary end of logic. The program executes from the first rung to
the last rung or the END function, whichever is encountered first.
The END function unconditionally terminates program execution. There can be nothing after the
end function in the rung. No logic beyond the END function is executed, and control is transferred
to the beginning of the program for the next sweep.
The END function is useful for debugging purposes because it prevents any logic which follows
from being executed.
Logicmaster programming software provides an [ END OF PROGRAM LOGIC ] marker to
indicate the end of program execution. This marker is used if no END function is programmed in
the logic.
-[ END ]
In the following example, an END is programmed to terminate the end of the current sweep.
|-[ END ]
Placing an END function in SFC logic or in logic called by SFC produces an
“END Function Executed from SFC Action” fault in Release 7 or later CPUs. (In
pre-Release 7 CPUs, it did not work correctly, but no Fault was generated.) For
information about this fault, refer to the “System Configuration Mismatch” part of
Chapter 3, Section 2.