GFK-0467K Index Index-7
SET coil, 4-6
RESET coil, 4-6
Reset of, addition of, or extra, option module,
Retentive coil, 4-5
Retentive RESET coil, 4-7
Retentive SET coil, 4-7
Retentiveness of data, 2-21
ROL, 4-58
ROR, 4-58
Rotate left function, 4-58
Rotate right function, 4-58
Scan Time Contributions for 350 and 360
Series of CPUs, 2-5
Scan, input, 2-7
Scan, output, 2-9
Search array move function, 4-87
Search equal function, 4-91
Search greater than function, 4-91
Search greater than or equal function, 4-91
Search less than function, 4-91
Search less than or equal function, 4-91
Search not equal function, 4-91
Security, system, 2-36
locking/unlocking subroutines, 2-37
passwords, 2-36
privilege level change requests, 2-37
privilege levels, 2-36
Sequential Event Recorder, 4-114
SER, 4-114
SER function, 4-114
Series 90- Micro PLC I/O system
Micro CPU and I/O, 2-43
Series 90-20 PLC I/O system, 2-38
model 20 I/O modules, 2-42
Series 90-30 PLC I/O system, 2-38
default conditions for model 30 output modules,
diagnostic data, 2-41
global data, 2-42
I/O data formats, 2-41
I/O structure, 2-38
model 30 I/O modules, 2-39
Service Request
change/read number of words to checksum,
change/read time-of-day clock, 4-145
clear fault tables, 4-155
Fast Backplane Status Access, 4-165
interrogate I/O, 4-163
read elapsed power down time, 4-164
read elapsed time clock, 4-160
read I/O override status, 4-161
read last-logged fault table entry, 4-156
read master checksum, 4-162
shut down (stop) PLC, 4-154
Service request function, 4-132
SET coil, 4-6
SFT_CPU, 2-26
SFT_FLT, 2-26
SFT_SIO, 2-25
SHFR, 4-77
Shift left function, 4-55
Shift register function, 4-77
Shift right function, 4-55
SHL, 4-55
SHR, 4-55
Signed integer, 2-23
SIN, 4-35
Sine function, 4-35
SNPX_RD, 2-25
SNPX_WT, 2-25
Software failure, option module, 3-11
SQRT, 4-33
Square root function, 4-33
SRCH_EQ, 4-91
SRCH_GE, 4-91
SRCH_GT, 4-91
SRCH_LE, 4-91
SRCH_LT, 4-91
SRCH_NE, 4-91
Standard program sweep mode, 2-2
Standard program sweep variations, 2-13
Status references, system, 2-21, 2-24
STOP mode, 2-13
STOR_ER, 2-26
SUB, 4-27
Subroutine blocks, 2-16
Subroutines, locking/unlocking, 2-37
Subtraction function, 4-27
SVCREQ, 4-132
change programmer communications window
(#3), 4-139
change system communications window (#4),
change/read constant sweep timer (#1), 4-134
change/read number of words to checksum,
change/read time–of–day clock, 4-145
clear fault table, 4-155
Fast Backplane Status Access, 4-165
interrogate I/O, 4-163
read elapsed power down time, 4-164
read elapsed time clock, 4-160