Small Faceplate Configuration
The Small Faceplate wizard for the PMCS Advanced Wizards offers additional functions beyond simply opening a designated window. If you so choose, you may configure a single Large Faceplate/Tabular wizard for each device type, regardless of how many actual devices of that type are installed, and use multiple Small Faceplate wizards to access data on each device. This feature operates by assigning an identity to each Small Faceplate wizard, and passing this identity information to the Large Faceplate/Tabular wizard when the Small Faceplate wizard is selected. The single Large Faceplate/Tabular wizard opens, displaying the data for the selected device.
If you choose to use this
Selecting the OK button in the Screen To Open dialog box, with a device screen selected and the Advanced checkbox selected, displays the Wizard Setup dialog box (shown below), prompting you to choose the identity of the device you wish to associate with this Small Faceplate Wizard.
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