PMCS Interface Toolkit Configuring and Using PMCS Wizards 13
For the highly-flexible UR an d 36 9 type devices, Power Builder creat es a blank
"framework" wizard, with no pre-drawn tabs. In CimEdit the wizard will show no
tabs - the tabs will be dynamically redrawn based on the physical device being
accessed. For example, if you use di fferent models of the Univers al Relay in your
application, you might need to display a unique set of tabs for each type of relay.
With dynamic r edr aw, you only need a s i n gle tabular wiz ar d in your project t o show
any combination of tabs for any UR device. (The dynamic redraw feature can be
disabled; see Disabling Dynamic Redraw (369 and UR Tabular Wizards) for details.)