Virtual Inputs Tab
Universal Relay - Virtual Inputs Tab
The Virtual Inputs (VInputs) tab allows the user to enable/disable all configured virtual inputs in the connected device and provides indication of their status. The 32 virtual inputs can be manually operated with the pushbuttons provided at the bottom of the screen. This tab supports the B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 devices.
Virtual Inputs
The enable/disable controls and status indicators are presented as a series of pages. To view the virtual inputs, the use the Page arrow keys provided to navigate between the pages. The arrow keys are disabled when the virtual inputs are not being displayed.
The state of each virtual input can be controlled with the pushbuttons along the bottom of the screen. Clicking one of these buttons toggles the status of the virtual input, changing its state as shown in the indicator blocks associated with each button. Note that a virtual input must be enabled before the toggling action will take effect in the relay.