Enter the unique eight- character name matching the appropriate Topic in the PMCS DDE Server.
EPM 7700
Use the Group Name field to logically group devices, if desired. Enter the name of the group to which the device belongs.
Enter the application name of the PMCS DDE Server (GE32MODB or GE32MTCP).
Enter the minimum security level for enabling remote command and setup functions.
Enter the name of the window to be opened when the Trend button is clicked on during runtime.
Enter the name of the window to be opened when the Setup button is clicked on during runtime.
The EPM 7700 Tabular Data Dialog box is slightly different from the other PMCS device types, containing two extra fields and requiring minor differences in configuration. The Tabular Data Dialog for the EPM 7700 is shown below, followed by the special configuration requirements.
The Node Name field requires that you enter the name of the computer running the Communications Server that connects to this particular device. Depending on the configuration of the EPM7700 network, this can be either the Primary node computer, or a computer setup as a “Full Station” Secondary node. Refer to DEH-
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