Universal Relay
The Universal Relay device comes in several different models, and each model supports different capabilities, which are reflected by the various tabs available for each model. When configuring a Universal Relay device, you first select the UR Model, then choose which tabs will be displayed for the particular device.
The UR devices are also capable of communicating with a different type of PMCS DDE Server than the other PMCS Advanced Wizards. By selecting the UCA/MMS checkbox, you indicate that you wish the UR wizard to retrieve its data for display from the MMS Server whose name is entered in the Application Name field.
Complete the Application Name field; typically GE32MODB or GE32MTCP.
Special Note:
The UCA/MMS is not supported in this version. So don’t Check this checkbox.
Select the Model of UR which you are configuring. This determines the contents of the Available Tabs list.
Highlight the tabs you wish to display on the Tabular Data Screen wizard. Use the control key to select multiple tabs.