•Frequency Normal/ High Speed: Displays Frequency in Hz.
The tab displays Maximum and Minimum values of various parameters. The user can get maximum and minimum values by clicking on respective buttons labeled Show Max and Show Min.
•Voltage: This tab displays the voltage values of AN, BN, CN, AB, BC, CA and Aux.
•Current: Displays currents of Phase A, B, C, measured and calculated.
•THD : Displays THD values of Phase A, B, C for Voltage and Current an d K Factor.
•Power Factor : Displays PF of Phase A, B, C and 3 Phase of 4 Quadrants namely Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4.
•Power: Displays Phase A, B, C and 3 Phase Power Values for Positive Watt, Coincendence VAR for Postive Watt, Negative Watt, Coincedance VAR for Negative Watt, Positive VAR, Negative VAR and VA.
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