Templates and Alerts
Alert Summary
Table | Detection Templates (Continued) |
| ||
| |
| Attack Detected | Alert | Alert Severity | Detection Template | |
| |
| A file with world writable permission | World writable file | 3 | Creation of | |
| was created by a privileged user, or | created |
| ||
| the world writable bit was set on an |
| Template | |
| existing file owned by a privileged |
| |
| user, or the owner of a world writable |
| |
| file was changed to a privileged user |
| |
| from a |
| |
| world writable file owned by a |
| |
| privileged user was renamed from a |
| |
| location that is not being monitored |
| |
| to a location that is being monitored |
| |
| |
| A file was truncated, deleted, or | 2 | Modification of | ||
| renamed by a user other than the | modified |
| Another User’s File | |
| owner of the file |
| Template |
| |
| A file’s mode or ownership was | 3 | Modification of | ||
| modified by a user other than the | modified |
| Another User’s File | |
| owner, or a file was opened for |
| Template | |
| modification by a user other than the |
| |
| owner of the file. |
| |
| A successful login as user "root" or | Start of a successful | 2a | Login/Logout | |
| "ids" |
| login session |
| Template |
| |
| A successful login as a user other | Start of a successful | 3a | Login/Logout | |
| than "root" or "ids" |
| login session |
| Template |
| |
| The logout of user "root" or "ids” | End of a login session | 2 | Login/Logout | |
| Template |
| |
| The logout of a user other than "root" | End of a login session | 3 | Login/Logout | |
| or "ids" |
| Template |
| |
| A successful switch user (su) to | Successful su session | 2 | Login/Logout | |
| "root" or "ids" |
| Template |
| |
| A successful switch user (su) to a | Successful su session | 3 | Login/Logout | |
| user other than "root" or "ids" |
| Template | |
| |
| Repeated attempts to login as user | Failed login attempts | 3 | Repeated Failed | |
| "root" or "ids" |
| Logins Template |
| |
| Repeated attempts to login as a user | Failed login attempts | 3 | Repeated Failed | |
| other than "root" or "ids" |
| Logins Template | |
| |
| Repeated attempts to switch user to | Failed su attempts | 2 | Repeated Failed su | |
| "root" or "ids" |
| Commands Template |
| |
| Repeated attempts to switch user to | Failed su attempts | 3 | Repeated Failed su | |
| a user other than "root" or "ids" |
| Commands Template | |
124 | Appendix A |