Agent Messages
❏Meaning: The system does not have enough disk space to create the interprocess communication files in /var/opt/ids.
❏Action: Ensure that there is at least 20 MB of free disk space in the /var partition. You can remove any lingering files with names in the form /var/opt/ids/ids_10*.
idsagent: not enough disk space to create schedule
❏Meaning: The /var partition is full and the idsagent cannot save the schedule to disk.
❏Action: Ensure that there is at least 10 MB of free disk space in the /var partition.
idsagent: not enough disk space to parse schedule
❏Meaning: idsagent was unable to parse the surveillance schedule because the system has exhausted its disk space.
❏Action: Ensure that there is free disk space in the /var partition.
idsagent: not enough disk space to save config file
❏Meaning: The system has exhausted the disk space in the root file system partition.
❏Action: Clean up the root file system partition to free space.
idsagent: out of process table space!
❏Meaning: There are no process table slots free on the system.
❏Action: Your system has run out of process table space. Either kill unneeded processes or reconfigure the kernel to allow for more user processes.
idsagent: schedule cannot be executed as specified
❏Meaning: The surveillance schedule contains detection templates that are not supported by this version of the idsagent.
❏Action: Verify that you have the latest version of the
idsagent: Surveillance Schedule sched does not contain any surveillance group periods
❏Meaning: A surveillance schedule sched was activated on the agent that did not contain any valid surveillance groups.
❏Action: Verify that the surveillance schedule contains surveillance groups in the Schedule Manager window of the
idsagent: this host (host) has multiple network addresses
❏Meaning: idsagent does not know which network interface to listen on for commands. The IDS_LISTEN_IFACE parameter must be set in the configuration file, /etc/opt/ids/ids.cf. Specify an host name or IP address in the configuration file.
❏Action: If running on a multihomed system, set the IDS_LISTEN_IFACE parameter in
idsagent: the IDS_LISTEN_IFACE parameter is specified as: hostname in the configuration file configfile
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