802.1x information, 36
802.1x statistics, 63
abbreviating commands, 17 access control, user, 102
active configuration block, 89, 164 active switch configuration: gtcfg, 159; ptcfg, 158; restoring, 159 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP):
address list, 168
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Menu, 46
aging: STP information, 38, 40 apply command, 15, 89
port, 108; flow control configuration, 108
autonomous system filter action, 128
backup configuration block, 89, 164 banner (system option), 91
Boot Options Menu, 162 bootstrap protocol (BOOTP): obtain
the IP address, 10
bridge maximum age parameter: configuration, 117; information, 38, 40, 42
bridge parameter menu, for STP, 113 bridge priority, 38
Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU), 38, 40, 42
bridge Spanning Tree parameters, 116
capture dump information to a file, 171
clear: ARP entries, 168; dump information, 171
commands: abbreviations, 17; global
commands, 15; shortcuts, 17; tab completion, 17
Common Internal Spanning Tree information, 41
configuration: apply changes, 89; default gateway interval, for health checks, 124; default gateway IP address, 124; dump command, 158; flow control, 108; Gigabit Ethernet, 107; operating mode, 108; port link speed, 108; port
mirroring, 155; port trunking, 119; revert changes, 89; save changes, 89; switch IP address, 123; view pending changes, 89; VLAN default (PVID), 107; VLAN IP interface, 123; VLAN tagging, 107
configuration block, 164 configuring RMON (remote
monitoring), 152
connecting: via console, 9; via Secure Shell (SSH), 10; via Telnet, 10
console port, connecting, 9
cost: STP information, 38, 40, 42; STP port option, 118
daylight savings time, 96 debugging, 166
default gateway, interval for health checks, 124
default password: administrator, 19; operator, 21; user, 20
diff command, 15, 89
diff flash command, 15, 89 disconnect idle timeout, 12 download software, 162 dump: configuration, 158;
information, 60; state information, 172; statistics, 87
duplex mode, link status, 22, 58 dynamic routes, 169
factory configuration block, 164 factory default configuration, 18
display setting, 22; link status, 58 Forwarding Database (FDB):
maintenance, 167 Forwarding Database Information
Menu, 33
Forwarding Database Manipulation Menu, 167
forwarding state (FWD), 34, 38, 40, 42
fwd (STP bridge option), 117 FwdDel (forward delay), bridge port,
38, 40, 42
gig (Port Menu option), 107 Gigabit Ethernet Physical Link, 107 Gigabit Ethernet, configuration, 107 global commands, 15 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 96 gtcfg (TFTP load command), 159
health checks: default gateway interval, retries, 124; retry, number of failed health checks, 124
hello, STP information, 38, 40, 42 history command, 16
idle timeout, overview, 12
IEEE standards, 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol, 38
IGMP Mrouter options, 170
IGMP Multicast Group options, 169 IGMP Snooping options, 170 image: download, 162; software,
selection, 163 information dump, 60 Information Menu, 22 interface statistics, 67, 68 Internet Protocol (IP) statistics, 68 IP address: ARP information, 46;
BOOTP, 10; default gateway configuration, 124
active IP interface: active, 145
IP interface: address configuration, 123; information, 51; VLAN configuration, 123
IP Interface Configuration Menu, 123 IP Route Manipulation options, 169
LACP statistics, 71 Layer 2 information, 32 Layer 2 statistics, 70 Layer 3 information, 43 Layer 3 statistics, 71 LEARNING (port state), 38, 40, 42 lines command, 15
Link Aggregation Control Protocol information, 34
link speed, configuration, 108 link status: command, 58; display
setting, 22; duplex mode, 22, 58; port speed, 22, 58
log, syslog messages, 92 login notice, 91
Main Menu, 14 Maintenance Menu, 166 management processor (MP): trace
buffer, 168
mask, IP interface subnet address, 123
Index 17 3