Full configuration snapshots
The configurations are valid for copper and fiber infrastructure, it makes no difference to the GbESM. For the uplink switches the difference is, that for fiber connections the GBIC ports G0/25 and G0/26 have been used as IEEE 802.1Q tagged ports (not aggregated) and G0/27 as interconnection of the Cisco Switches.
Important: When looking at the configuration commands presented, commands toward the left margin are for Core1 or GbESM_1 switches. Where the GbESM_2 or Core2 switch configurations differ, the commands presented within comment syntax (/* for GbESM, ! for Cisco, # for Extreme) are for the counterpart switch of the same type, GbESM_2 or Core2.
/* Version, Base MAC address 00:11:f9:36:b7:00 /* GbESM_1
hprompt ena
/c/sys/access/user/uid 1 name "USERID"
pswd "5754473e1340022a1e37a6f7d0f0a1d8aa8b437633b51ae68eb6d669ce9fd9f7" ena
| cos admin |
/c/sys/ssnmp | |
| name "GbESM_1" |
/* | name "GbESM_2" on GbESM_2 |
/c/port INT1 | |
| pvid 20 |
/c/port INT3 | |
| pvid 10 |
/* | pvid 20 on GbESM_2 |
/c/port INT4 pvid 99
/c/port EXT1 tag ena pvid 5
/c/port EXT2 tag ena pvid 5
/c/port EXT5 tag ena pvid 5
/c/port EXT6 tag ena pvid 5
/c/l2/vlan 1
def INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 INT5 INT6 INT7 INT8 INT9 INT10 INT11 INT12 INT13 INT14 EXT3 EXT4 /c/l2/vlan 5
name "Native"
def EXT1 EXT2 EXT5 EXT6 /c/l2/vlan 10
Chapter 7. Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESM configuration and network integration 97