addr | |
/c/l3/vrrp/on |
/c/l3/vrrp/vr 1 | |
ena |
vrid | 1 |
if 10 |
prio | 101 |
/* the above | is only on GbESM 1; defaults to 100 on GbESM 2 |
addr | |
/c/l3/vrrp/vr 2 | |
ena |
vrid | 2 |
if 20 |
prio | 101 |
/* the above | is only on GbESM 1; defaults to 100 on GbESM 2 |
addr | |
/c/l3/vrrp/vr 3 | |
ena |
vrid | 3 |
if 35 |
prio | 101 |
/* the above | is only on GbESM 1; defaults to 100 on GbESM 2 |
addr | |
/c/l3/vrrp/vr 4 | |
ena |
vrid | 4 |
if 46 |
prio | 101 |
/* the above | is only on GbESM 1; defaults to 100 on GbESM 2 |
addr | |
/ |
/c/l3/vrrp |
hotstan ena
ena if 50
/* on GbESM 1 only - default to 100 on GbESM 2 prio 101
ifs ena
script end /**** DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE!
!note that VLANs must be created with the Vlan <x> command in “config t” mode
!these statements are not displayed by the “sh run” command
Core1#sh run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 3019 bytes
version 12.2 service config no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime
122Nortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter