9.3.2 Data collection

In this particular step, it might be necessary to collect additional information to help isolate problem cause as noted in the following sections.

Test connectivity

￿Use connectivity testing tools such as ping, traceroute, and Telnet

￿Note error messages that appear

Details from affected users

Ask more detailed questions:

￿Has anything changed recently?

￿How often is the problem occurring?

￿Is the problem readily reproduceable?

￿Is it occurring intermittently or at regular intervals?

Nortel GbESM (Alteon OS) switch dumps

Collect the following dump types:

￿TechSupport dump


Includes output from the following dumps:

Configuration dump (/cfg/dump)

Information dump (/info/dump)

Statistics dump (/stats/dump)

￿Panic dump

Manually force a panic if switch hangs




Includes a core dump of memory registers

Note: If file size != 65 KB, then the panic file is no good.

￿Trace buffers

Display switch processor trace buffer contents

/maint/debug/sptb <port#>

Display the management processor trace buffer contents

/maint/debug/tbuf <port#>

Display the snap trace buffer contents

/maint/debug/snap <port#>

Send traces to GbE Technical Support as requested

￿Port diagnostics

Perform a port burn-in test to check for switch port hardware problems. You may also consider running port diagnostics from maintenance kernel.

Chapter 9. Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 GbE Switch Module troubleshooting


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Image 173
IBM L2/3 manual Data collection, Test connectivity, Details from affected users, Nortel GbESM Alteon OS switch dumps