6 Line, Tunnel, Terminal, and Host Settings
2. Enter or modify the following settings:
Tunnel – | Description |
Connect Mode |
Page Settings |
Mode | Select the method to be used to attempt a connection to |
| a remote host or device. Choices are: |
| Always = a connection is attempted until one is made. If |
| the connection gets disconnected, the XPort Pro retries |
| until it makes a connection. (default) |
| Disable = an outgoing connection is never attempted. |
| Any Character = a connection is attempted when any |
| character is read on the serial line. |
| Start Character = a connection is attempted when the |
| start character for the selected tunnel is read on the |
| serial line. |
| Modem Control Asserted = a connection is attempted |
| as long as the Modem Control pin (DSR) is asserted, |
| until a connection is made. |
| Modem Emulation = a connection is attempted when |
| triggered by modem emulation AT commands. |
Local Port | Enter the port for use as the local port. A random port is |
| selected by default. Once you have configured a |
| number, click the Random link in the Current |
| Configuration to switch back to random. |
Host | Click <None> in the Host field to configure the Host |
| parameters. |
| VIP = Enabling the VIP directs the tunnel to connect to a |
| remote Lantronix Virtual IP identified by the VIP Name. |
| Default is Disabled. |
| VIP Name = Displays configured VIP name, used only if |
| VIP is enabled. |
| Address = Displays configured IP address or DNS |
| address, used only if VIP is disabled. |
| Port = Displays configured Port. |
| Protocol = Select the protocol type for use with Connect |
| Mode. The default protocol is TCP. If you select TCP |
| AES you will need to configure the AES keys. |
| SSH Username = Displays configured username, used |
| only if SSH protocol is selected. |
| TCP Keep Alive = Default is 45000 milliseconds. |
| AES Encrypt/Decrypt Key = Displays presence of key, |
| used only if protocol with AES is selected. |
Reconnect Timer | Enter the reconnect time in milliseconds. The XPort Pro |
| attempts to reconnect after this amount of time after |
| failing a connection or exiting an existing connection. |
XPort Pro™ User Guide | 45 |