IP Telephony System
The Voice - System Screen
This screen lets you configure system settings.
IMPORTANT: In most cases, you should not change these settings unless instructed to do by your ITSP.
System Configuration
Restricted Access Domains. Enter the domain names permitted to access the System.
Enable Web Admin Access. This setting lets you enable or disable local access to the
Admin Passwd. Enter the password for the administrator. (By default, there is no password.)
User Password. Enter the password for the user. (By default, there is no password.)
Miscellaneous Settings
Syslog Server. Enter the IP address of the syslog server, which logs system information and critical events of the System.
Debug Server. Enter the IP address of the debug server, which logs debug information of the System.
Debug Level. This determines the level of debug information that will be generated. Select 0, 1, 2, or 3 from the
When you have finished making changes, click the Submit All Changes button to save the changes, or click the Undo All Changes button to undo your changes.
Chapter 6: Using the
The Voice Tab
Figure 6-13: Voice - System Screen
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