IP Telephony System
Dial Plan
Dial Plan. Enter the dial plan script for this line. Refer to “Appendix C: Dial Plan and
Streaming Audio Server (SAS)
SAS Enable. To enable the use of the line as a streaming audio source, select yes. Otherwise, select no. If enabled, the line cannot be used for outgoing calls. Instead, it
SAS DLG Refresh Intvl. If this is not zero, it is the interval at which the streaming audio server sends out session refresh (SIP
SAS Inbound RTP Sink. This setting works around devices that do not play inbound RTP if the streaming audio server line declares itself as a
Figure 6-39: Voice - FXS 1 Screen - Dial Plan
Figure 6-40: Voice - FXS 1 Screen - Streaming Audio
Call Feature Settings
MOH Server. Enter the user ID or URL of the
Xfer When Hangup Conf. This setting makes the System perform a transfer when a conference call has ended. Select yes or no from the
Conference Bridge URL. This feature supports external conference bridging for
Conference Bridge Ports. Select the maximum number of conference call participants. The range is 3 to 10. The default is 3.
Chapter 6: Using the
The Voice Tab
Figure 6-41: Voice - FXS 1 Screen - Call Feature Settings
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