IP Telephony System
Ring6 Name. In an INVITE’s
Ring7 Name. In an INVITE’s
Ring8 Name. In an INVITE’s
Ring and Call Waiting Tone Spec
Ring Waveform. Select the waveform of the ringing signal, Sinusoid or Trapezoid. The default is Sinusoid.
Ring Frequency. Enter the frequency of the ringing signal, which can range from 10 to 100 Hz. The default is 25.
Ring Voltage. Enter the ringing voltage value, which can range from 60 to 90 volts. The default is 70.
CWT Frequency. Enter the frequency script of the call waiting tone. All distinctive CWTs are based on this tone. The default is
Control Timer Values (sec)
Hook Flash Timer Min. This is the minimum
Hook Flash Timer Max. This is the maximum
Callee On Hook Delay. The phone must be
Reorder Delay. This is the delay after the far end hangs up before the Reorder Tone is played. To play the tone immediately, enter 0. To have the tone never play, enter inf. The range is 0 to 255 seconds. The default is 5.
Call Back Expires. This is the expiration time for a call back activation. The range is 0 to 65,535 seconds. The default is 1800.
Call Back Retry Intvl. This is the interval for a call back retry. The range is 0 to 255 seconds. The default is 30.
Call Back Delay. This is the delay between the System receiving the first SIP 18x response and the System declaring that the far end is ringing. If a busy response is received during this time, then the System considers the call a failure and continues to retry. The default is .5.
Chapter 6: Using the
The Voice Tab
Figure 6-30: Voice - Regional Screen - Ring and Call
Waiting Tone Spec
Figure 6-31: Voice - Regional Screen - Control Timer
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