IP Telephony System
Station. Shown here is the station name assigned to the phone. (This setting is configured through the phone.) User ID. Shown here is the extension number assigned to the phone.
IP Address. Shown here is the local IP address of the phone.
Reg Expires. This indicates the number of seconds left before the phone needs to
Parking Lot
This section shows the calls that have been parked. Call park is a convenient feature that lets a call be put on hold and picked up from any extension number.
Parking Lot. To remove a call from the Parking Lot, click its checkbox. Then click the Delete button. Caller ID. Shown here is the phone number of the caller.
Parked By. Shown here is the extension number that parked the call.
Parked At. Shown here is the call park number that you should use to pick up this call. Duration. Shown here is the length of time that the call has been parked.
Line 1 Calls
This section shows the current incoming and outgoing calls.
Line 1 Calls. To remove a call, click its checkbox. Then click the Delete button.
External. Shown here is the external phone number of the caller.
Station. Shown here is the extension number of the call; it displays the word “callpark” when the call has been parked for pickup from any extension number.
Direction. Shown here is the direction of the call, Inbound or Outbound.
State. Shown here is the status of the call, Connected or Proceeding.
Duration. Shown here is the length of time the call has been active.
Chapter 6: Using the
The PBX Status Screen
Figure 6-1: PBX Screen - Parking Lot
Figure 6-2: PBX Screen - Inbound Call
Figure 6-3: PBX Screen - Outbound Call
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