IP Telephony System
Cfwd No Ans Delay. Enter the delay, in seconds, before the call forwarding of
Dial Plan
Dial Plan. Enter the dial plan script for this line. Refer to “Appendix C: Dial Plan and
NAT Settings
NAT Mapping Enable. To use externally mapped IP addresses and SIP/RTP ports in SIP messages, select yes. Otherwise, select no. The default is no.
NAT Keep Alive Enable. To send the configured NAT keep alive message periodically, select yes. Otherwise, select no. The default is no.
NAT Keep Alive Msg. Enter the keep alive message that should be sent periodically to maintain the current NAT mapping. If the value is $NOTIFY, then a NOTIFY message is sent. If the value is $REGISTER, then a REGISTER message without contact is sent. The default is $NOTIFY.
NAT Keep Alive Dest. Enter the destination that should receive NAT keep alive messages. If the value is $PROXY, then the messages will be sent to the current or outbound proxy. The default is $PROXY.
EXT SIP Port. Enter the port number of the external port to substitute for the actual SIP port of the System in all outgoing SIP messages.
Proxy and Registration
Proxy. Enter the SIP proxy server for all outbound requests.
Use Outbound Proxy. To use the outbound proxy, select yes. Otherwise, select no. The default is no.
Outbound Proxy. Enter the SIP outbound proxy server, where all outbound requests are sent for the first hop.
Use OB Proxy In Dialog. To force SIP requests to be sent to the outbound proxy within a dialog, select yes. Otherwise, select no. The default is yes.
Register. To require periodic registration with the proxy server, select yes. Otherwise, select no. The default is yes.
Make Call Without Reg. To allow outbound calls to be made without successful registration by the System, select yes. Otherwise, select no. The default is no.
Chapter 6: Using the
The Voice Tab
Figure 6-47: Voice - Line 1 Screen - Dial Plan
Figure 6-48: Voice - Line 1 Screen - NAT Settings
Figure 6-49: Voice - Line 1 Screen - Proxy and
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