8. Job Management
Store to Memory
If Store to Memory is set for a print job to be printed and the job is transmitted, the job is stored in the memory of the copier and is not printed. The setting must be canceled from the copier control panel to effect printing of the job.
The job will be gone when the copier is turned OFF.
Operation on the PC Side:
1.Select the “Job Management” tab.
2.From the “Store Job” list, select “Store to Memory.”
Operation on the copier side:
1.Touch “Job Control” – “Scanned Job” on the control panel. Then select a job from the stored job list displayed and touch “OK”.
2.The job will be changed to the status of “Waiting Print” and wait for its turn.
3.When the “Increase Priority” is touched, the job will be printed ahead of others in the print queue. For details, see Basic Operations (6.3 Job Control Screens (Increase Priority Screen)) of User Manual of the copier.
The “Job Log” can be used to check the status of the job.