4. Settings Required for Network Printing
Settings made on the Printer Driver side
•Windows 98, 98SE and Me:
1.Click the “Start” button and, from the menu that will then appear, select “Settings” – “Printers.” Select the icon of the printer that has been installed; then,
2.On the “Details” tab, click the “Add Port” button.
3.Select “Network” and click the “Browse” button. On the network configuration that will then be displayed, select the target printer icon.
•Windows NT 4.0, 2000 and XP:
1.Click the “Start” button and, from the menu that will then appear, select “Settings” – “Printers.” Select the icon of the printer that has been installed; then,
2.Select the “Port” tab. Then, select “Add Port” – “Local Port” and type the \\NetBIOSname\PrintingService name.
3.Click the “OK” button to exit the function.
4.For the NetBIOS name and the Printing Service name to be entered, click the “Network” tab of PageScope Light and see “Windows Configuration” by selecting “Common Setting” – “Windows Configuration.”