Menu bar
The menu bar shows the menus available from the main window.
PC (Personal Computer)
A Windows® compatible computer that runs the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager software.
Quick dials
A group of telephone numbers that you can call by selecting a menu item.
Status bar
An area at the bottom of the computer screen which provides information messages about Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager.
TAPI stands for Telephony Application Programming Interface. It is a set of programming tools that allows Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager to communicate with the telephone system.
TAPI line
The telephone line that Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager uses to make a call.
Task tray
An area in the bottom right hand corner of the PC screen. It contains the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon which is used to perform several common call control functions.
An area at the bottom of the computer screen. It contains the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager taskbar icon that is used to maximize the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager Window or bring it to the foreground.
Tool bar
The tool bar contains several buttons that provide quick and easy access to Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager functions.
Tree View
The portion of the Address Book that shows how the folders used to store the contacts are organized.
Wild card character
A special character that can be used represent any letter or number.
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide | P0911958 Issue 01 |