122 / Index
red light 88, 89 replacing 91
signal strength (see Receive Signal Strength Indicator)
site planning 31 specifications 107, 108 termination board 34 testing 87 troubleshooting
UTAM recognition of 31 wiring length
power pair(s) 24 TCM lines 90
bracket antenna 41
lightning surge arrestor 42
C3050 portables deregistration 76 registration
cells (see Companion, cells) clearance
Base Station 33 RPI 22
Combo Cartridge,installation planning 10
Companion antenna 65
Base Stations 3, 31 cells, programming cell nghbrs 66
cell rad nghbr 66 cell radios 66
cells,assignment 65 coverage area 3 Diagnostic Software 4 ID 68
portable telephone (see portable telephone)
scheduled 64 status 64
on a maxi system 11, 13 on a mega system 14 on a midi system 11
on a mini system 11 conducted emissions 1 connecting expansion modules
12, 13, 16
default password 54 Startup 54 system prgrming 55 template, changing 56
C3050 portables 76 diagnostics,running on remote
system 4 Directed Call Pickup 7
directory numbers ,entering 54 disabled system, activating 68 display buttons 52
equipment and supplies installation checklist 9
event message
Evt 275-3546 S8 100
Evt 301-1031 S5 100
P0881594 Issue 01 |