Programming / 71
Portable Credit Key
This key predefines the maximum number of portables that can be registered to the system. Systems can only register as many portables as there are available Portable Credits. A maximum of 60 Companion portable telephones may be registered.
Record your keys in the Programming
In the case of an upgrade, you receive new keys. You need the old and new keys to
Step 4: Enter the keys
You may enter the keys in either order: UTAM Activation Key first or Credit Key first. Keys are entered by first accessing Software keys in a programming session.
1.Press ≠. The display reads SysID:.
2.Press ‘. The display reads Password keys.
3.Press ≠. The display reads Key 1:_.
4.Enter the 8 digit password number for Key 1. Use BKSP to make corrections. The display reads Key 2:_.
5.Enter the 8 digit password number for Key 2. Proceed as above until you have finished entering Key 3. The display reads Entry successful.
6.Repeat steps 3 through 5 for the other key.
The system automatically starts reevaluation and the display shows
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