See a photo of the person calling you! Learn how to assign a caller ID photo in “Assigning a caller ID photo” on page 65.
Receiving calls
To receive calls, your phone must be on. This is different from having just the screen turned on (see “Turning your phone on and off” on page 18). When your phone is off, incoming calls go to voicemail.
To answer a call, do one of the following:
•Press Phone/Send .
•Using the
•If the headset is attached, press the headset button.
To ignore a call and send it to voicemail, do one of the following:
•Press Power/End .
•Using the
To silence the ringer while your phone is ringing:
•Press the Volume button or any key on your smartphone except Phone/Send, Power/End, or the
•To immediately silence all system sounds including the ringer, slide the Ringer
switch to Sound Off .
When you silence the ringer, you can either answer the call or let it ring through to voicemail.
If music is playing, and a call arrives, the phone rings softly. The audio continues playing, but you won’t hear it during your call. To pause the music, press the Side button. To answer the call, do one of the following:
•Using the
•Press the headset button (if a headset is attached).