Chapter 3. System Features Section 700 - Operation
Page 3-66 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 DBS-2.3/9.2-700
VAU(All Versions)
The Voice Announce Unit (VAU) is a digital answering device that can be
connected to the DBS. It provides for the recording and playback of up to two
voice messages, along with the ability to transfer incoming calls.
When a call reaches the VAU, it plays a prerecorded voice message. The
caller is then allowed to dial a number or is automatically transferred to a
predetermined extension.
The VAU is often used to back up operators or hunt groups. Callers
overflowing from either of these positions hear a message and can then dial a
number or wait to be transferred back to the operator or hunt group.
The VAU can be used to provide a variety of other services to callers, such as
a menu of dialing options or transfer to an answering machine.
Please see Appendix C through Appendix E for information on PanaVOICE
and Call Record features available with the DBS system.
Recording and Playing Messages
You can record the VAU messages from either an extension or a trunk.
• You must use a DTMF telephone to record and play VAU messages.
• To change existing messages, record over them.
To record and play messages, complete the following steps.
1. Do one of the following:
If . . . Then . . .
You are recording or play-
ing from an extension Take your phone off hook.
Dial the VAU extension number. (If the
intercom is set for Voice, dial 1 to change
from Voice to Tone.)
You are recording or play-
ing from a trunk Dial the phone number of the VAU, or call in
and have the operator transfer you to the
VAU extension.