DBS-2.3/9.2-700 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 Page H-1
Appendix H: CPC-AII/B 9.2 Updates
CPC-A2/B version 9.20 adds the following features and software corrections
to the DBS phone System:

New Features

Sixteen-Port Voice Mail/API Enha nceme nt - In addition to the current 8-
port API integration, this software change allows the DBS to support up to
sixteen-port API Integration.
Off-Hook Voice Announce/API Enhancement - This new feature
provides support of the DBS Off-Hook Voice Announce feature via the
44-Series Small LCD Key-Telephone Soft Key Support (VB-44XXXX)
This enhancement allows the Small Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) K-TEL
to use the softkeys when accessing the Voice Mail application.
Call Record via API - This enhancement provides support for the call
record feature via the API.
Software Corrections
Last Digit of Voice Mail One Touch Key Was Truncated - With earlier
versions, if a Voice Mail One-Touch Access key was programmed, when
the key was viewed with the Conf. Function the last digit of the
programmed information could not be seen.
Previously Unable to restrict 800+ Numbers for TRS types 5 and 6 - In
the previous version, if an 800-xxx number was entered in the special area
and special office code tables with the new North American Numbering
Plan (NANP) activated TRS types 5 and 6, it did not restrict the call. This
problem has been corrected in this version.
DID Call to a Voice Mailbox Received Main Greeting - In the previous
version, in a Non-Integrated Digital PanaVOICE environment, if a DID/
DNIS call was directed directly to a voice mail box, the caller was sent to
the main greeting instead of the correct voice mail box. This problem has
been corrected with this version.

16-Port Voice Mail Support via API

This feature allows up to sixteen (16) voice mail ports via API integration.