DBS-2.3/9.2-700 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 2-1
Chapter 2. Attendant FeaturesThis chapter describes features that are available to an attendant phone.
In addition to functioning as a central answering point, an attendant phone
also has special capabilities for monitoring and programming other phones.
This chapter covers the following topics:
Topic Page
Alternate Attendant 2-3
Attendant Assignment of Speed Dialing 2-3
Attendant Busy Override 2-4
Attendant Call Park 2-5
Attendant Control of Absence Messages, 2-7
Attendant-Controlled Text Assignment 2-8
Attendant Feature Package 2-10
Attendant Groups 2-11
Dial Tone Disable 2-12
DSS/72 2-13
Headset Operation 2-17
Key Bank Hold 2-18
One-Touch VM Transfer 2-18
Station Lockout Code Assignment 2-21
System Time and Date Control 2-22
Traffic Measurement 2-24
Walking COS Confirmation 2-25