Section 700 - Operation Chapter 4. Key Telephone Features
DBS-2.3/9.2-700 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 4-99
Note: See “One-Touch VM Transfer ” on page 2-18 for a simila r trans fer key.
The Voice Mail Transfer Key provides faster operation than the One Touch
Voice Mail Transfer Key but may not work with some voice mail systems
since you do not wait for the Voice Mail system to answer before pressing the
DSS/BLF key. The One-Touch VM Transfer Key works with virtually every
voice mail system.
1. Answers an incoming call, then press the VM/TRF key.
The system automatically puts the incoming call on hold.
2. Press a DSS/BLF key or dial an extension number.
3. Complete the transfer by going onhook or pressing RELEASE, ON/OFF,
or PROG.
Figure 4-8. Voice mail transfer key operation
Acaller askstobetransferred tothe voicemailboxof
The attendantpresses theVM Transferkey.
The system placesthe calleron hold.
(Ty pically,the num bersstored under the VM Transferkey
consistof the voice m ailextension num ber,p lus any
specialdigitsrequired by the voice m ailsystem .)
The attendantpresses theD SS/BLF keyforextension 426
orm anuallydials 426.
The attendantcompletes the transferbygoing onhook,
pressing RE LEAS E,O N/OFF,orPROG.
Assoonasthe transferiscompleted,the system sends
the contents ofthe b uffertothe voice m ailsystem .