Chapter 3. System Features Section 700 - Operation
Page 3-48 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 DBS-2.3/9.2-700
FF4 (Ringing and Hunt Groups): Terminal/Circular Hunt Groups
FF4 (Ringing and Hunt Groups): Ringing Assignments (all)
Hardware Requirements
A pilot number can be provided by installing a 2 watt 450 Ohm resistor on
the analog port that will be dialed to initiate station hunting. The resistor is
placed across the tip and ring of the designated analog port.
The resistor will “busy” the port. When the busy pilot number is called, the
call will hunt through the other extensions in the group.
Eight Station Hunt Groups can be programmed; a single Hunt Group can
contain up to eight extensions, including the pilot extension.
If all extensions in a group are busy and an alternate group has not been
designated, CO calls will queue, and intercom calls will receive busy tone.
If the f irst extension within a hunt group activates an absence message, call
forwarding, or DND, the hunt feature will not work.
If an exte nsion other than the first extension activates an absence message,
call forwarding, or DND, the hunt feature will skip that extension, and
proceed to the next extension within the group.
The amount of time a call rings at a hunt gr oup member before transferring
to another hunt group member is determined by the Call Forward--No
Answer Timer.
An SLT hunt group member that places a call on hold and then replaces the
handset will not receive additional hunt group calls until the held call is
An extension that is a member of a hunt group cannot be a member of
another hunt group or a member of call coverage group.
The offhook signaling option should be removed from members in a hunt