DBS-2.3/9.2-700 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 Page C-1
Appendix C: CPC-AII/B 9.0 UpdatesThe following enhancements are included with CPC AII/B Version 9.0:
• CPC-AII/B Version 9.0 adds support for the PanaVOICE Digital Voic e
Mail system.
All installation and programming procedures for the PanaVOICE Digital
Voice Mail system are covered in the documentation supplied with the
PanaVOICE Digital Voice Mail system.
• The VAU port assignment program (FF3 (ExtPort)# 47#) can now be used
to configure digital ports connected to the PanaVOICE Voice Mail.
• The user can now dial *73 to enable or disable the use of the Off-Hook
Monitor feature. When the user dials *73 the first time, the display reads
Monitor OFF and the Off-Hook Monitor feature cannot be used. When
the user dials *73 a second time, the display reads Monitor ON and the
Off-Hook Monitor can be used.