Section 700 - Operation Chapter 3. System Features
DBS-2.3/9.2-700 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 Page 3-9
• FF1 (System): Auto Night2 Mode Start Timer
• If all auto modes are set, the starting times must differ by at least one hour.
• When one auto mode is turned on, the mode cannot be reset by the NIGHT
key until 3 minutes after the auto mode is activated. (When all auto modes
are set, the mode keys cannot be used.)
• If mode keys are not set, the acc ess codes #520 (DAY/NIGHT1/NIGHT2
toggle), #521 (DAY), #522 (Night1) or #523 (Night2) can be used instead.
Auto Set Relocation(CPC-AII and CPC-B Version 3.1 or higher)
Auto Set Relocation can be used to relocate the program settings of one
extension to another extension.
Auto Set Relocation is commonly used when extension users want to trade
work areas. For example, if Extensions “A” and “B” are going to switch
office locations, Auto Set Relocation enables them to switch telephone
settings without re-programming.
Before a phone can be relocated, it must be assigned an Auto Set Relocation
code. See “Related Programming” for the program address used to set up the
Auto Set Relocation Code.
The following example illustrates how the program settings for extensions
200 and 300 could be switched.
To Transfer Extension Settings from 200 to 300:
1. At extension 300, pick up the handset.
2. Press “#10.”
3. Dial extension number 200.