Chapter 3. System Features Section 700 - Operation
Page 3-18 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 DBS-2.3/9.2-700

DID Delayed Ringing

(CPC-B Version 5.0 or higher)
For a description of this feature, see “DID/DNIS Flexible Ring Assignments”
on page 3-18.
DID/DNIS Flexible Ring Assignments
(CPC-B Version 5.0 or higher)
DID/DNIS Flexible Ring Assignments allow night ringing and delayed
ringing for specific DID/DNIS numbers.
Related Programming
FF1 (System): Delayed Ring
FF1 (System): Central Office Delayed Ring Timer
FF1 (System): Inbound DID Dial Numbers
FF1 (System): DNIS Number Setting
Timing for DID/DNIS delayed ringing is controlled by the Central Office
Delayed Ring Timer.
The system uses a DI D Numbers Table for DID assignment. The DID
Numbers Table allows up to 500 DID assignments. Each assignment
consists of the DID number and an associated extension.
The system uses a separate DNIS Numbers Table for DNIS assignment.
The DNIS Numbers Table allows up to 500 DNIS assignments, with each
assignment consisting of the DNIS number and an associated extension.
When multiple extensions are assigned delayed ringing for the same DID/
DNIS number, unanswered delay ringing forwards based on the extension
with the lowest port number.
For example, if port numbers 125 and 126 both have delayed ringing for the