Chapter 3. System Features Section 700 - Operation
Page 3-46 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 DBS-2.3/9.2-700
Related Programming
FF1 (System): Extension Class Of Service Setting
FF3 (Extension): Extension Class of Service Assignment
Some feat ures that are in use at the time they are disabled from the Class of
Service cannot be cancelled. For instance, if background music is turned
on at a phone at the time background music is disabled from the class of
service, the background music at the phone cannot be turned off. Make
certain that features are not in use when removed from a class of service.
(If a feature is accidentially left active, simply reenable the feature in the
class of service and turn off the feature.)
Station Hunting
(All Versions)
Station hunting allows calls to be automatically transferred among a
preselected group of phones.
When a call terminates to a busy extension in a hunt group, the call
automatically transfers to another extension in the group. If the second
extension is busy, the call automatically transfers to another member of the
Several methods of station hunting are available. The CPC version
determines which methods are available.
20 SLT Transfer (8)
21 Call Forwarding--Outside (720, 721, 722, 724) (CPC AII and CPC-B Version 7.0 or
Call Forwarding--External (723) ( CPC-A and CPC-AII/CPC-B Versions prior to 7.0)
Note: Call forwarding -- External (723) only allows external call forwarding for internal