======================== SECTION VIII - CONTROL MEASURES ========================
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION:None is specifically recommended for handling this product.
VENTILATION: | None required. Respiratory exposure to material in aerosol form |
| should be avoided. |
EYE PROTECTION: | None required. Avoid contact with eyes. Use glasses or face shield |
| when transferring large quantities. |
SKIN PROTECTION: | None required. Avoid contact with skin. Use gloves when |
| transferring large quantities. |
OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: | None is specifically recommended for handling this product. |
OTHER PRECAUTIONS: | This product is intended for industrial use only. |
======================== SECTION IX - SPECIFIC INFORMATION ========================
The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. It is compiled with the best information available to Paxar at the time of its preparation. Users should consider these data only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of the suitability and completeness of the information from all sources to assure proper use and disposal of these materials and the safety and health of employees and customers.
Users Manual Model 545™ | Appendix E • 87 |