Front Panel Board P/N 511108
(Use chip removal tool P/N. 351156 for square I.C removal)
FRONT PANEL BOARD, Upgradeable software I.C.'s include U1.
PLCC CHIPS align angled corner of chip with angled corner of socket that is counter clockwise to the arrow.
Front Panel Diagnostic Descriptions
Diagnostic | Descriptions |
Numbers |
1 | Front panel initialization |
2 | TCB Opsys initialization |
5 | Attempting Serial Host Initialization |
6 | Initializing Verifier |
7 | Executing Protected Mode Imaging Code |
8 | Checking PCMCIA Card |
9 | Attempting to read in scalable fonts. |
10 | Initializing Font Scaler |
11 | Attempting to load code pages |
12 | Attempting to read in logos |
13 | Attempting to read in care symbols |
14 | Waiting for Machine Definition from TCB |
15 | Attempting to create test pattern |
16 | Attempting to create strobe tables |
17 | Attempting to read in formats |
18 | Protected Mode Imaging Code initialization complete |
19 | Serial Communications Activated |
0 | Power up complete |
82 • Appendix B | Users Manual Model 545™ |