2 Touchd.
3 Toskip back or forward to another
track,briefly touch oor p.
#Youcan also skip back or forward to another
trackby pressing cor d(TRK).
4 Toperform fast forward or reverse,
keeptouching oor p.
#Youcan also perform fast reverse/fast forward
bypressing and holding cor d(TRK).
5 Tostop playback, touch g.
Pausing playback
%Toucheduring playback.
#Toresume playback at the same point that you
turnedpause on, touch d.
Introductionto advanced
1 TouchAV Menu and then touch
FunctionMenu to display the function
Thefunction names are displayed and oper-
ableones are highlighted.
2 TouchESC to return to the ordinary dis-
#Toreturn to the previous display, touch Back.
Connecting a Bluetooth audioplayer
%TouchConnection Open on the function
menuto turn the connection open on.
ConnectionWaiting is displayed. This unit is
nowon standby for connection from Bluetooth
Ifyour Bluetooth audio player is set ready for
Bluetoothwireless connection, connection to
thisunit is automatically established.
Beforeyou can use audio players you may need
toenter the PIN code into this unit. If your player
requiresa PIN code to establish a connection,
lookfor the code on the player or in its accompa-
nyingdocumentation. Refer to Entering PIN code
forBluetooth wireless connection on page 51.
Disconnecting a Bluetoothaudio player
%TouchDisconnect on the function
Afterthe disconnection is completed,
NoConnection is displayed.
Displaying BD (BluetoothDevice) information
%TouchDevice Information on the func-
tionmenu to display the BD address.
Variousinformation regarding the Bluetooth
wirelesstechnology are displayed.
!DeviceName (device name of this system)
!BDAddress (address of Bluetooth device)
!SystemVersion (system version)
!BTModule Version (version of Bluetooth
Available accessories
En 73