light Meter SIZe


System parameter setting

Command Syntax: MSIZ <width>, <height>




MSIZ <common size> (for a square box)


<size> = positive floating point number

Query Syntax:


Query Response:

<width>, <height>


The MSIZ command establishes the physical size of the lightmeter


box(es) displayed in the BriteBox test image. The unit of measure


used is based on the current setting of the system level USIZ


parameter. It also affects the size of the cursor boxes in the


Persist image. Changing the size will not change the currently


displayed image. The MSIZ? query returns the current settings


of MSIZ based on the current setting of the system level USIZ



Other Required Cmds:

The correct unit of measure should be selected with the USIZ


command prior to setting the size.


U S I Z 1 / / S e l e c t i n c h e s f o r u n i t s


M S I Z 2 . 0 / / S e t s i z e t o 2 . 0 i n c h e s I M G L


/ / B r i t e B o x S e l e c t B r i t e B o x t e s t


/ / i m a g e I M G U D r a w s e l e c t e d i m a g e


/ / u s i n g n e w s i z e


NAMe Find


Directory editor control

Command Syntax:


Query Syntax:

NAMF? <name>


<name> = a valid MS-DOS filename


(8 characters minus any extension)

Query Response:



The query will return the index number of the entry with name


<name> in the directory edit buffer. The first name in the buffer


has an index value of 1. If <name> is not found, a value of zero

(0)is returned.

Other Required Cmds: None

Example: N A M F ? V G A _ m 4 / / R e t u r n p o s i t i o n o f / / V G A _ m 4 i n d i r e c t o r y


Page 277
Image 277
Quantum Data 801GC, 801GF, 801GX manual Msiz, Light Meter SIZe, Namf, NAMe Find, 151