SAM47 INSTRUCTION SET KS57C2308/P2308/C2316/P2316
AND Logical And
AND dst,src
Operation: Operand Operation Summary Bytes Cycles
A,#im Logical-AND A immediate data to A 2 2
A,@HL Logical-AND A indirect data memory to A 1 1
EA,RR Logical-AND register pair (RR) to EA 2 2
RRb,EA Logical-AND EA to register pair (RRb) 2 2
Description: The source operand is logically ANDed with the destination operand. The result is stored in the
destination. The logical AND operation results in "1" whenever the corresponding bits in the two
operands are both "1"; otherwise a "0" bit is stored. The contents of the source are unaffected.
Operand Binary Code Operation Notation
A,#im 11011101A A AND im
0 0 0 1 d3 d2 d1 d0
A,@HL 00111001A A AND (HL)
EA,RR 11011100EA EA AND RR
00011r2 r1 0
RRb,EA 11011100RRb RRb AND EA
00010r2 r1 0
Example: If the extended accumulator contains the value 0C3H (11000011B) and register pair HL the value
55H (01010101B), the instruction
leaves the value 41H (01000001B) in the extended accumulator EA .