MEMORY MAP KS57C2308/P2308/C2316/P2316
PCON — Power Control Register FB3H
Bit 3210
Identifier .3 .2 .1 .0
RESET Value 0000
Read/Write WWWW
Bit Addressing 4444
.3–.2 CPU Operating Mode Control Bits
0 0 Enable normal CPU operating mode
0 1 Initiate idle power-down mode
1 0 Initiate stop power-down mode
.1–.0 CPU Clock Frequency Selection Bits
0 0 If SCMOD.0 = "0", fx/64; if SCMOD.0 = "1", fxt/4
1 0 If SCMOD.0 = "0", fx/8; if SCMOD.0 = "1", fxt/4
1 1 If SCMOD.0 = "0", fx/4; if SCMOD.0 = "1", fxt/4
NOTE:fx is the main system clock; fxt is the subsystem clock.